Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Incarceration Of The Prison Policy Institute - 1369 Words

Attention TIA Credibility Thesis/ Topic statement INTRODUCTION I. According to the prison policy Institute there are currently 2.4 million Americans incarcerated in the United States with nearly 40% of that number being drug related offenses. Further the United states only makes up five percent of the worlds population, but we make up 25% of the worlds prison population and if you factor in the 40% of that 25% being drug offenders you can see that nearly a tenth of the worlds incarcerated are attributed to American drug offenders. These statistics can be seen in these two slides. II. Now if that statistic right there is not startlingly to you then let me share with you one that may hit close to your wallet, on average it costs 24,000 a year to hold an individual in jail. That 24,000 a year is used primarily to hide a major issue we have in this country and that is drug addiction. III. To help and try deal with this problem I have conducted extensive research that gives me credibility to ultimately†¦ IV. Inform and persuade you that by utilizing rehab over incarceration for non violent drug offenders we as a nation can combat the wasteful spending, the addiction issue in our nation, and the fact our incarceration system fails these individuals. Main Point Sub-Point Sub-Point BODY I. In our society we are faced with a drug addiction problem that is not being dealt with properly. Our use of incarceration as a means to deal with thisShow MoreRelatedIncarceration : Balancing Punishment And Treatment988 Words   |  4 Pages4.0 Alternatives to Incarceration Balancing Punishment and Treatment Mass Incarceration In December 2013, President Barack Obama commuted the sentences of eight federal inmates who were convicted of nonviolent crack cocaine offenses, six of whom were serving life sentences (Miles 2014). 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