Thursday, January 2, 2020

Essay on Comparative Analysis of Art - 1087 Words

Art History Professor November 2012 Throughout history art has served as a preservation and representation of the time in which they were made. During the Ancient Greek period art was not only mare naturalistic and humanistic but also became directly affected by the events going around. Both the Marble Statue of an Old Woman and the Marble Statue of Aphrodite are sculptures that were made during the Ancient Greek era, they each tell a story of what was going on during that point in time. The Marble Statue of Aphrodite is the eldest of the two sculptures, it was sculpted between the 2nd and 3rd century B .C. During this period Greece was at its peak, the people of Greece had power and wealth. The art made at this time†¦show more content†¦Another reason why the arms have fallen off is because, unlike the major societies before them, Greeks believed in humanistic art. Societies before the Greeks, such as the Egyptians, used to keep the material between what would be spaces between arms and body and the legs. This form of art was not humanistic not realistic enough for the Greeks so most of their artwork follows the ideals of humanism. Artists would break off the extra material that would remain after the statue was fully sculpted. To further the realistic look of the Aphrodite sculpture the artist, who is unknown at this time, detailed the curves of her body. You can view the lines of her stomach and breasts which are simple and uncomplicated and create an ima ge that looks like a real woman. Greeks continued with the ideas of humanism and realism even as their society aged and changed. Like many great societies before them Greeks hit a climactic point in their era that had people uneasy and artist evolving away from the artistic norms that had been practiced for years; this new era was known as the Hellenistic Period. The Sculpture of an Old Woman is an example of this radical change in art; still loyal to the idea of humanism this sculpture is not of a goddess or soldier, as many arts were based on before, it was of a normal average, everyday elder woman who could have simply been walking down the street. Not only did the artist stray away from the norms of subject matter but theyShow MoreRelatedA Comparative Analysis of Characters in Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?, Homers Iliad and Odyssey and The Alchemist765 Words   |  3 Pagesrepetitive they appear again and again over time in literature, art, music, religion and culture irrespective of the time period of the geogra phical There are numerous examples of these archetypes in recent mythologically based stories. We have the Jedi Knights in Star Wars; the treasure varies from movie to movie; Harry Potter, Frodo Baggins, and many more. 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