Sunday, December 1, 2019

Library Information System Improvement

Table of Contents Executive Overview Analysis of the current system Needs of the new system Proposed configuration and specifications Justification for new system Installation / Implementation Plan References Executive Overview The current situation in business across the globe indicates a major relationship between performance and communication. In this regard it has been observed that to improve business performance there is a major need to improve communication and access to services. The current information system within the institution library is computerized but falls short of requirements of students and staff due to delays in upgrading the service. The current service is supported by a database stored on the library server.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Library Information System Improvement specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This database is used to locate, book and keep records related to the b ooks in the inventory. However, the system can only be accessed at one point, which is making it especially difficult for students and staff of campus to access books. In addition to that, the books are only in one format which limits the number of users who can access the books. It has been suggested that if changes were made to allow additional formats of books to be stored on the system, and an increase in access to the library system major both staff and students can benefit significantly from the resources provided by the system. It is for these reasons that this proposal will provide a suitable alternative to the current library system. Analysis of the current system As it has already been mentioned earlier in the report this proposal seeks to improve the current system in use within the library. The current system used in the library is computer based and serves both students and staff within the library. The system allows information to be stored on various database relation s and uses this information to manage the borrowing of books and resources from the library. The records pertaining to students and staff are entered into the system by accessing the main registration database. When new books arrive they are scanned and entered into the system. The system is also used to identify appropriate rows within the library to arrange the books. When a student/staff comes to the library they can either locate the books on the shelves using the information on the bulletin board or ask the library assistant to help them locate the books. Once they have the books they go to the counter where a library assistant uses their identity card to enter the details of the transaction into the system. Upon return of the book or other resource to the library the student/staff must visit the library assistant’s counter. The library assistant will use the student/staff identity to enter the completion of the transaction into the system. The system has a mechanism to print out a list of books that are overdue. However, this list is not very useful as the existing system does not allow the library department to communicate with the borrower. The current system also has a mechanism that is used to calculate fines and penalties for lateness after the due dates have passed. This facility allows the library assistant calculate what payments should be made by students/staff who have over stayed with books or other resources. However, it has again been noted that this facility does not serve the student/staff well as it does not allow for communication between the library and the student/staff in question.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It has also been noted that the need to make a physical visit to the library to borrow a book is not very favorable for students and staff who reside off campus. The current system does not allow the users to query the database to find out if the resource they require is available. As a result of this it has been observed that students and staff off campus are forced to make trips to the library sometimes while unsure if the books they need are available. Based on the above shortcomings it has been observed that the institution could greatly benefit from improvements to its existing library system. Needs of the new system Information technology has been defined as the use of a combination of hardware, software and services for the management, communication and sharing of information (Shelly Rosenblatt 2011). It has been observed that effective use of information technology has been seen as a major driving force for business in the future. Based on this premise and the shortcomings of the current system this proposal seeks to identify and satisfy the needs arising within the institutions library system. It was observed during an analysis of the current system that one shortcoming of the current system can be attributed to poor accessibility to the data on the system. This is due to the fact that the system can only be accessed within the library and users outside the library have no access to the information stored on the system. The issue of accessibility is a major issue and it is believed that the proposed system will properly address this shortcoming. The proposed system will provide access to data on the system from various locations thus improving decision making capacity of the users. Another issue that was identified with the current system was with regard to the formats of resources available on the system. It has been observed that the library only offers books and digital media such as CD’s and DVD’s. However, it has been noted that due to recent advances in technology there have emerged several new approaches to presentation of information. For example, a lot of books and reading material are accessible on the internet due to the use o f PDF formatted files. These files can be used on various devices including computers and other hand held devices. The proposed system suggests some of the material in the library especially books with high demand be converted into several formats to allow increased access to the resources.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Library Information System Improvement specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More On observation of the current system it was noted that there were existing mechanisms to handle calculation of penalties and to identify overdue books. It was also noted that it would be beneficial to communicate with the individuals to alert them on the situation to facilitate speedy return of the books or resources to the library. Using technology such as mail merge it is possible to make mailing lists from the lists produced and communicate with the defaulters to facilitate speedy collection of books and reduce pena lties incurred. In addition to the above needs it has also been observed that the current system does not have a mechanism to alert the library assistant on inventory levels. As a result a book or other resource may go out of stock due to loss or other means and the library assistant is unaware of the situation. It has therefore been suggested that the proposed system provide a mechanism to keep track of suitable stocking levels for the resources held on the system. This mechanism should be triggered periodically to identify resources that need to be restocked within the library. The last need identified with regard to the current system is that relating to efficiency of operations within the institution. From observation of the system it can be seen that the system is to some extent cumbersome and inefficient. This point arises due to the fact that the system is not being applied to its maximum potential. A computerized solution is often designed to improve the efficiency of perfor ming specific operations. It is possible that such a situation arose from poor analysis of the previous system during the development of the previous system. Due to this the solution created did not fully cater for the needs of the users of the system. It is hoped that through a more thorough analysis of the needs of the users this proposed system will improve efficiency of operations and performance. Proposed configuration and specifications Based on the financial constraints within the institution it was suggested that a suitable solution will need to be cheap. In line with the proposed system was meant to be delivered with expenditure below $2000. It was believed that if the investment costs were kept low, it would be easier to sell the proposal to the institution. In keeping with the budget constraints the proposed system requires the purchase of a few essential hardware components (See Appendix B). The first item on the list is a new faster and more powerful computer to be used by the library assistant. This is crucial for the success of the proposed system as the processor handles most of the instructions between a user and the computer system (Andrews 2009).The computer selected was found to be both cheap and capable of delivering the processing power required to handle the new system.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In addition to the computer the proposed system will require two wireless routers in addition to the current LAN connection. The current LAN connection will allow the system to extract information stored on the registration database. It will also channel requests to and from the library system to the various locations served by the routers. It has been suggested that one router be placed in the cafeteria to allow staff/students access the system from this location. Another router should be placed within the student hostels. This will provide students access from their hostels. The final component will be the web based library software. This software will be accessible via the institution website and will allow users to check the availability of resources from several locations. It will also allow students to reserve books and resources, access and download resources, communicate with the library staff and deal with inventory and communication issues. Justification for new system The main reason that the system has been deemed useful within the institution stems from the improved efficiency it aims to create. This is due to reports that indicate it is not possible for a company/organization to be successful in the current environment without the appropriate computer systems to sustain and improve business efficiency (Stein 2006). This statement suggests that aside from the improved efficiency it promises the proposed system is also a key ingredient useful to the success of the institution. It has also been observed that though start ups and smaller organizations can initially do without computer systems, as the organization grows the existence of such a system is essential to create efficiency and convergence within the organization (Stein 2006). In addition to the improved efficiency it has also been noted that one way for an organization to improve product quality and customer service is through the introduction of appropriate computer systems (Stein 2006). I n relating this case to the institution in question it is clear that with a better library system the quality of the education product being offered may improve significantly. It is for these reasons therefore that it has been suggested that improvements be made on the current system. Installation / Implementation Plan It has been observed that one of the main reasons behind failure of software projects can be attributed to poor planning (McConnell 1997). With this consideration in mind the proposed project suggests planning of the production process in advance to avoid failure or unnecessary delays in completion of the software project (See Appendix C and D). The plan to be followed in undertaking the project will be reviewed by all members of the team to ensure it is suitable. In addition to that there will be regular updates on progress and delays to help steer the team to successful completion. In addition to planning during the design and development stages it has also been not ed that the approach used in implementation is crucial to overall success of a project. This is due to the fact that complete replacement may interfere with existing systems (Fowler 1999). Due to the implications of this suggestion therefore the project will be implemented in phases. This is aimed at reducing the interference caused by the introduction of a new system within the institution. It is assumed that upon completion each user will be able to access the library database using a web browser from any location. References Andrews, J. (2009). A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining your PC. Boston, MA: Course Technology Cengage Learning. Computer Shopper. (2011). No Nonsense Buying Advice Since 1979. Web. Fowler, D. (1999). Virtual Private Networks: making the right connection. San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc. McConnell, S. (1997). Software Project Survival Guide. USA: Microsoft Press. Shelly, G. B., Rosenblatt, H. J. (2011). Systems Analysis and Design. Boston, MA: Course Technology Cengage Learning. Stein, R. T. (2006). The Computer System Risk Management and Validation Life Cycle. Chico, CA: Paton Press LLC. This assessment on Library Information System Improvement was written and submitted by user Edith Martin to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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