Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Hiv / Aids A Global Disease - 871 Words

â€Å"The Human Immunodeficiency Virus, most commonly known as HIV, is a lentivirus that spreads through bodily fluids and targets specific in cells of the immune system† (CDC). Over time, HIV deteriorates these cells, and consequently leaves the body unable to fight off infections and disease. When this occurs, the HIV infection transgresses into Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, also known as AIDS. AIDS continues to obliterate the immune system and leaves its victims more susceptible to opportunistic illnesses which utilize the body’s weakened state and cause more devastating illnesses. â€Å"According to the World Health Organization, HIV/AIDS are ranked as the 6th leading causes of death with a staggering 1.5 million deaths since 2012† (WHO). With this issue becoming an international crisis affecting millions, advocacy about HIV and safe sex has drastically increased around the globe due to humanitarian organizations, and increased awareness about the dise ase. HIV/AIDS is a global disease mostly found in African American men who sleep with other men. People with this affection tend to show symptoms of the flu or what they call â€Å"the worst flu ever† , but not everyone who has HIV shows a sign. Many HIV positive people shows signs of the flu, fever, swollen glands, sore throat, fatigue, and headaches. These symptoms are said to last a few days to several weeks long. â€Å"HIV infection has a well-documented progression. If you are infected with HIV and don’t get treatment, HIV willShow MoreRelatedThe Presence And Outbreak Of An Infectious Disease1176 Words   |  5 Pagesinfectious disease can have global consequences. Such consequences include the deaths of many people due to an inability to contain the disease. When an infectious disease spreads to, and affects, different populations, this is known as a pandemic. One pandemic that has had far reaching consequences is that of HIV (human immunodeficiency)/AIDS (acquired immune deficiency symptoms), which officially began in 1981 and since has taken the lives of over 39 million people worldwide (PBS). The HIV virus attacksRead MoreGlobal Health Challenges Of India1675 Words   |  7 PagesEvery country is facing some of the global health challenge and fighting to overcome from those challenges. When it is comes to the India, which is WHO region, also have health challenges and making the healthy people by some changes in health system and following Millennium Development Goals. The enormous disease burden and more health in equalities and that one in six person in the world are an Indian on the one hand, and the country’s new economics and its logical capital in nation also overseasRead MoreThe Immune System: HIV/AIDS Essay893 Words   |  4 PagesHIV is a world pandemic that has caused the death of â€Å"30 million† (CDC – Statistics Overview – Statistics Center – HIV/AIDS, CDC) innocent lives. HIV is devastati ng virus that destroys people’s immune systems and leaves them vulnerable to other diseases. HIV is an acronym for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, which means that the virus is found only in humans and targets the immune system. The virus kills CD4 cells, cells in the immune system that fight off infections and diseases. HIV has been aroundRead MoreThe Issue Of Aids And Hiv1726 Words   |  7 PagesThe Issue of AIDS and HIV Zoya Siddiqui In today’s world, it often seems like there are more issues to tackle than people have the capacity to handle. There is the global warming, poverty, hunger, wars, political conflicts, refugee conflicts, etcetera. Though all of these can seem daunting and hard to combat, none of them can be accomplished if the world’s population is not healthy. If people do not have the physical strength to think of new and innovative ways to take on these issues, then no progressRead MoreHow Hiv / Aids Impacted A Nation1559 Words   |  7 Pageshow HIV/AIDS impacts a nation was a study that was conducted in South Africa that determined the factual negative impact on their economy. They found these conclusions due to the HIV/AIDS disease: a lower labour force, lower productivity, a cost pressure on companies, lower incomes, lower population, decreased investment potential, an increased demand for health services and lastly a higher government expenditure on these required health service s (Drimie). From this one can see how the disease canRead MoreThe Epidemic Of Infectious Disease1710 Words   |  7 PagesThe words â€Å"infectious disease† have been feared by humans from the time they were initially discovered and this fear continues to persist into the current status of the 21st century. This inherent fear stems from the ability of the tiny, pathogenic microorganisms responsible for these infectious diseases to wipe out thousands, or even millions from the human population. Though some may view infectious disease is an issue of the past, it still wreaks havoc in many of the worlds’ developing nationsRead MoreHiv / Aids Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome775 Words   |  4 PagesHIV/AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a devastating disease, the scope and depth having no boundaries, permeating into many areas of the world, oblivious to social class, lifestyle, or culture. Initially reported in 1981, HIV/ AIDS rapidly spread and by 1987, 100 countries conveyed the presence of HIV/AIDS. (Maurer Smith, 2009). â€Å"By 2001, it was the leading infectious cause of death in the world, killing almost 3 million people, and by 2002, approximately 5 million people wereRead Moreecological model of health1211 Words   |  5 PagesMedicine) Ecological Model of Health Abstract This paper discusses how IOM’s ecological model can be used to stop the AIDs pandemic which is a health issue globally. This is because the number of people infected with the disease has increased over the years, since the first case was reported. Statistics show that over 34 million people are infected globally. The disease has been declared a pandemic due to the effects it has caused globally. Therefore, urgency is needed to stop its spread byRead MorePolicies, Finance, Global Prevention Initiatives And Ethical Principles797 Words   |  4 PagesFinance, Global Prevention Initiatives and Ethical Principles Implementation of the Ryan White CARE Act of 1990 assures, people with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), and their families access to quality treatments (Akukwe, 2001). On July 2010, President Obama announced the National HIV/AIDS Strategy to reduce HIV incidence, optimizing better health outcomes, and to reduce HIV-related instances (Department of Veterans Affairs National HIV/AIDS StrategyRead MoreAids : A Serious Problem That Affects Our Communities887 Words   |  4 Pagesand serious diseases were discovered, and some of them caused death. AIDS is one of the most serious of these diseases. The term AIDS is an abbreviation of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is caused by a virus which is called Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). It was reported in the United States for the first time in 1981. The term AIDS applies to the most advanced stages of HIV infections. All around the world, there are about five million people who be came infected with HIV during the end

Monday, December 16, 2019

A Communist Society Essay example - 1053 Words

A Communist Society A communist society is very different than the society Americans find themselves living in today. Communism is a term of ancient origin and is not a form of political party, but a type of socialism where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Therefore, the individual members of this, foreign, society blend into one greater populist all striving to succeed the same goal. In a communist neighborhood everyone shares and there is no wealth, or poverty, no social status at all. This concept of communism comes from a man, Karl Marx, the author of The Communist Manifesto. He shares his ideas of a utopian society and how to achieve it. For Karl Marx the individual man is a being he has the power†¦show more content†¦In socialist (the political party of the communist people) communities or countries, the family has been excluded from the economy and politics, as by to solidify their roles in the communist ideas and stay out of the picture. The idea to exclude the family from the economic front is one idea that has been borrowed from capitalist societies. Family is out of the economic picture simply because the family as a whole has no capital creating possibilities and therefore has no need to be classified economically. (Zaretsky 24) the inclusion of family would have been Marxs intended theme had this been in the pre-capitalist era, Zaretsky writes.(25-26) In this picture of family life the wife is at home cooking dinner watching the children and the husband is off working and bringing home the bacon is typically what is expected in a communist home. So the need is none existent for family and e conomy to enter-mingle. In communism no matter if your a doctor or a laborer your wife or you need not a second job, for the community and government should provide all that is needed by you and your family. With this the picture of the role of family in communist society is clear, they have no need stick their nose out into the world. (Capitalism, the Family, and Personal Life) Education is a tricky subject when discussing it through aShow MoreRelatedEssay Society at the Time of the Communist Manifesto1358 Words   |  6 PagesSociety at the Time of the Communist Manifesto Much was going on in society at the time the Communist Manifesto was written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Society was undergoing many changes and issues, and many events took place as a result of this. To many people in England it seemed that the middle class was taking control—and Marx and Engels agreed in the Communist Manifesto. They stated, â€Å"The bourgeoisieRead More The Individual and Society in the Communist Manifesto Essay1793 Words   |  8 PagesThe Individual and Society in the Communist Manifesto The end of 19th century, Western Society was changing physically, philosophically, economically, and politically. It was an influential and critical time in that the Industrial Revolution created a new class. Many contemporary observers realized the dramatic changes in society. Among these were Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels who observed the conditions of the working man, or the proletariat, and saw a change in how goods and wealth wereRead MoreThe Soviet Union During A Communist Society Essay1456 Words   |  6 PagesWe all are a part of a certain society. Each society has its own beliefs, views, values and principles, traditions and customs and it turns into something that people cannot live without. These common principles are reflected everywhere – public communication, work, school, mass media, leisure activities, art and etc. These traditions are given from generation to generation through education. This phenomenon is called ideology. Personally, when I hear the wor d ideology, the Soviet Union period comesRead More The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Its Influence on Society998 Words   |  4 PagesThe Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Its Influence on Society The German political philosopher and revolutionary, Karl Marx is best known for his radical concepts of society. His socialist views are best seen in his work Communist Manifesto. As one of the most influential thinkers of all times, he was able to convey revolutionary ideas in a manner that all could understand. Due to its comprehendible nature and usefulness to the people of his time this document was widely popularRead MoreImproving Society: Mill’s On Liberty and Marx’s Communist Manifesto1704 Words   |  7 PagesSociety is built and run on social and moral obligations and while these two are closely related, both impact cultures around the world in different ways. Marx’s Communist Manifesto and Mill’s On Liberty demonstrate the relationship these obligations have with successful and unsuccessful social constructs. For the purposes of this paper, a moral obligation is a consideration of what is right ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬ and wrong and can vary depending on pressures from external sources such as religion, while a social obligationRead More Karl Marxs Communist Manifesto and Its Impact on Society Essay example1255 Words   |  6 PagesKarl Marxs The Communist Manifesto and Its Impact on Society According to the humanities based themes, autonomy and responsibility are defined as â€Å"the individual person has the ability to make choices; with those choices comes a responsibility for the consequences of those choices.† [i] This can be related to the Communist Manifesto, which was written by Karl Marx in the 1800’s. Even deeper though, it correlates the class struggles that were apparent in Europe in the eighteenthRead MoreTo What Extent Did Joseph Mccarthy And His Anti- Communist Tactics Have An Impact On United States Society?2094 Words   |  9 Pageswhat extent did Joseph McCarthy and his anti- communist tactics have an impact on United States society?† I will cover how things in the society has changed. McCarthyism also affected domestic and foreign policies, but I am going to focus on American society. I will focus mainly the years around the McCarthy era which is 1950 through 1954. To help examine my topic, I will be using two books. The books are â€Å"Defining moments: McCarthyism and the Communist Threat† and â€Å"Joe McCarthy and McCarthyism: TheRead MoreMarxism And The Communist Manifesto915 Words   |  4 Pagesdebate between how society is formed and how it should be formed has always been a point of contention among people. When a society is formed, there is a constant struggle between the proletariat, the working class population, and the bourgeoisie, the upper class of society with significant capital. One of the better known ideologies is Marxism, which explains how a nation should form itself to develop a communist society. Karl Marx illustrates his ideas of Marxism in The Communist Manifesto. A pointRead MoreEssay about The Role of the Individual in Candide1148 Words   |  5 Pagesroles of the individual and of society are completely abstract. As the world changes and develops, the roles of the individual and society change to meet the needs of the people. Voltaires Candide which involve s France during the Age of Enlightment Marx Engels Communist Manifesto which involves Germany around 1848 both discuss the roles of the individual and of society in different ways. In both pieces of literature what is expected of the individuals and of society is very different from whatRead MoreThe American Culture Of Strict Conformity Accounts1588 Words   |  7 PagesHowever the American culture in the 1950’s was one of strict conformity. This conformist society, created in the late 1940’s was created by many early discoveries that uncovered Communist members as Soviet spies. There arose a prevalent belief that anyone who thought differently was unpatriotic. This conformist nature of American society thus resulted in few organizations fighting for social justice. The Communist party therefore attracted a wide range of liberals from different aspects of life. Joseph

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Brutus Tragic Flaw Essay Example For Students

Brutus Tragic Flaw Essay A tragic hero often has three important characteristics; his superiority which makes his destruction seem more tragic, his goodness which arouses pity, and his tragic flaws. In the Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Brutus is an excellent example of a hero with tragic flaws. Brutus is superior because of his close friendship with powerful Caesar and because of his popularity with the people. The conspirators need Brutus to join the conspiracy because of his friendship with Caesar and his popularity among the people. Brutus idealism and goodness are evident throughout the play; he sees only the goodness in people and naively believes others are as honorable as he. Even his enemy, Mark Antony, comments on these traits at the end of the play: This was the noblest Roman of them all. Brutus tragic flaws are idealism, honor, and poor judgment which are taken advantage of at first by Cassius and later by Mark Antony. Brutus major flaw is his idealism, his belief that people are basically good. His first misjudgment of character is of Casca who he believes should not be taken too seriously. Cassius disagrees and states that Casca just puts on this appearance: However he puts on this tardy form. This rudeness is a sauce to his good wit, which gives men stomach to disgest his words with better appetite. Brutus next miscalculation of character involves Cassius motives. Brutus believes that Cassius wants to assassinate Caesar for the good of Rome, while Cassius truly wants power and a Rome not under Caesars control. Cassius manipulates gullible Caesar with flattery of Brutus ancestors and of his honor. At the same time, Cassius points out Caesars weaknesses: his deafness, his epileptic fits, and lack of swimming ability. Brutus continues his misjudgment when he reads the bogus letters and believes that these express the true feelings of all of Rome. The letter opens with this quote: Brutus, thou sleepst; awake, and see thyself. Had Brutus been a perceptive man, he would have remembered Cassius telling him to allow others to serve as mirrors. Brutus idealism continues to surface when he does not deem it necessary to take an oath of unity to the cause. He says, No, not an oath. If not the face of men, the sufferance of our souls, the times abuse if these be motives weak, break off betimes. Brutus tries to cover the conspiracy with honor and virtue. He is only fooling himself, because the other conspirators do not share his motives. The turning point of the play and Brutus major tragic flaw concerns his judgment of Mark Antony. Brutus perceives Antony as gamesome and harmless without Caesar while Cassius sees Antony as a shrewd contriver. When the other conspirators want to kill Antony along with Caesar, Brutus declares, For Antony is but a limb of Caesar. Lets be sacrificers, but not butchers. Brutus wants to be honorable which leads to the conspiracys destruction. Another one of his mistakes is allowing Antony to speak at Caesars funeral. Brutus  sees no harm in allowing Antony to speak after he has already spoken. Antony effectively arouses the crowds emotions with Caesars body and will. His final fatal errors are meeting Antonys and Octavius army at Philippi and the mistiming of his armys attack, an event which jeopardizes his armies. Brutus idealism leads to his downfall. His innocence and purity of motives cause him to trust the motives of others. He believes he is doing the right thing: what is best for Rome and the Roman people. The traits that allow him to be a successful private man are the very ones that hurt him in public life. He does not make quick and good judgments because of his ethical and moral views.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Library Information System Improvement

Table of Contents Executive Overview Analysis of the current system Needs of the new system Proposed configuration and specifications Justification for new system Installation / Implementation Plan References Executive Overview The current situation in business across the globe indicates a major relationship between performance and communication. In this regard it has been observed that to improve business performance there is a major need to improve communication and access to services. The current information system within the institution library is computerized but falls short of requirements of students and staff due to delays in upgrading the service. The current service is supported by a database stored on the library server.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Library Information System Improvement specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This database is used to locate, book and keep records related to the b ooks in the inventory. However, the system can only be accessed at one point, which is making it especially difficult for students and staff of campus to access books. In addition to that, the books are only in one format which limits the number of users who can access the books. It has been suggested that if changes were made to allow additional formats of books to be stored on the system, and an increase in access to the library system major both staff and students can benefit significantly from the resources provided by the system. It is for these reasons that this proposal will provide a suitable alternative to the current library system. Analysis of the current system As it has already been mentioned earlier in the report this proposal seeks to improve the current system in use within the library. The current system used in the library is computer based and serves both students and staff within the library. The system allows information to be stored on various database relation s and uses this information to manage the borrowing of books and resources from the library. The records pertaining to students and staff are entered into the system by accessing the main registration database. When new books arrive they are scanned and entered into the system. The system is also used to identify appropriate rows within the library to arrange the books. When a student/staff comes to the library they can either locate the books on the shelves using the information on the bulletin board or ask the library assistant to help them locate the books. Once they have the books they go to the counter where a library assistant uses their identity card to enter the details of the transaction into the system. Upon return of the book or other resource to the library the student/staff must visit the library assistant’s counter. The library assistant will use the student/staff identity to enter the completion of the transaction into the system. The system has a mechanism to print out a list of books that are overdue. However, this list is not very useful as the existing system does not allow the library department to communicate with the borrower. The current system also has a mechanism that is used to calculate fines and penalties for lateness after the due dates have passed. This facility allows the library assistant calculate what payments should be made by students/staff who have over stayed with books or other resources. However, it has again been noted that this facility does not serve the student/staff well as it does not allow for communication between the library and the student/staff in question.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It has also been noted that the need to make a physical visit to the library to borrow a book is not very favorable for students and staff who reside off campus. The current system does not allow the users to query the database to find out if the resource they require is available. As a result of this it has been observed that students and staff off campus are forced to make trips to the library sometimes while unsure if the books they need are available. Based on the above shortcomings it has been observed that the institution could greatly benefit from improvements to its existing library system. Needs of the new system Information technology has been defined as the use of a combination of hardware, software and services for the management, communication and sharing of information (Shelly Rosenblatt 2011). It has been observed that effective use of information technology has been seen as a major driving force for business in the future. Based on this premise and the shortcomings of the current system this proposal seeks to identify and satisfy the needs arising within the institutions library system. It was observed during an analysis of the current system that one shortcoming of the current system can be attributed to poor accessibility to the data on the system. This is due to the fact that the system can only be accessed within the library and users outside the library have no access to the information stored on the system. The issue of accessibility is a major issue and it is believed that the proposed system will properly address this shortcoming. The proposed system will provide access to data on the system from various locations thus improving decision making capacity of the users. Another issue that was identified with the current system was with regard to the formats of resources available on the system. It has been observed that the library only offers books and digital media such as CD’s and DVD’s. However, it has been noted that due to recent advances in technology there have emerged several new approaches to presentation of information. For example, a lot of books and reading material are accessible on the internet due to the use o f PDF formatted files. These files can be used on various devices including computers and other hand held devices. The proposed system suggests some of the material in the library especially books with high demand be converted into several formats to allow increased access to the resources.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Library Information System Improvement specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More On observation of the current system it was noted that there were existing mechanisms to handle calculation of penalties and to identify overdue books. It was also noted that it would be beneficial to communicate with the individuals to alert them on the situation to facilitate speedy return of the books or resources to the library. Using technology such as mail merge it is possible to make mailing lists from the lists produced and communicate with the defaulters to facilitate speedy collection of books and reduce pena lties incurred. In addition to the above needs it has also been observed that the current system does not have a mechanism to alert the library assistant on inventory levels. As a result a book or other resource may go out of stock due to loss or other means and the library assistant is unaware of the situation. It has therefore been suggested that the proposed system provide a mechanism to keep track of suitable stocking levels for the resources held on the system. This mechanism should be triggered periodically to identify resources that need to be restocked within the library. The last need identified with regard to the current system is that relating to efficiency of operations within the institution. From observation of the system it can be seen that the system is to some extent cumbersome and inefficient. This point arises due to the fact that the system is not being applied to its maximum potential. A computerized solution is often designed to improve the efficiency of perfor ming specific operations. It is possible that such a situation arose from poor analysis of the previous system during the development of the previous system. Due to this the solution created did not fully cater for the needs of the users of the system. It is hoped that through a more thorough analysis of the needs of the users this proposed system will improve efficiency of operations and performance. Proposed configuration and specifications Based on the financial constraints within the institution it was suggested that a suitable solution will need to be cheap. In line with the proposed system was meant to be delivered with expenditure below $2000. It was believed that if the investment costs were kept low, it would be easier to sell the proposal to the institution. In keeping with the budget constraints the proposed system requires the purchase of a few essential hardware components (See Appendix B). The first item on the list is a new faster and more powerful computer to be used by the library assistant. This is crucial for the success of the proposed system as the processor handles most of the instructions between a user and the computer system (Andrews 2009).The computer selected was found to be both cheap and capable of delivering the processing power required to handle the new system.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In addition to the computer the proposed system will require two wireless routers in addition to the current LAN connection. The current LAN connection will allow the system to extract information stored on the registration database. It will also channel requests to and from the library system to the various locations served by the routers. It has been suggested that one router be placed in the cafeteria to allow staff/students access the system from this location. Another router should be placed within the student hostels. This will provide students access from their hostels. The final component will be the web based library software. This software will be accessible via the institution website and will allow users to check the availability of resources from several locations. It will also allow students to reserve books and resources, access and download resources, communicate with the library staff and deal with inventory and communication issues. Justification for new system The main reason that the system has been deemed useful within the institution stems from the improved efficiency it aims to create. This is due to reports that indicate it is not possible for a company/organization to be successful in the current environment without the appropriate computer systems to sustain and improve business efficiency (Stein 2006). This statement suggests that aside from the improved efficiency it promises the proposed system is also a key ingredient useful to the success of the institution. It has also been observed that though start ups and smaller organizations can initially do without computer systems, as the organization grows the existence of such a system is essential to create efficiency and convergence within the organization (Stein 2006). In addition to the improved efficiency it has also been noted that one way for an organization to improve product quality and customer service is through the introduction of appropriate computer systems (Stein 2006). I n relating this case to the institution in question it is clear that with a better library system the quality of the education product being offered may improve significantly. It is for these reasons therefore that it has been suggested that improvements be made on the current system. Installation / Implementation Plan It has been observed that one of the main reasons behind failure of software projects can be attributed to poor planning (McConnell 1997). With this consideration in mind the proposed project suggests planning of the production process in advance to avoid failure or unnecessary delays in completion of the software project (See Appendix C and D). The plan to be followed in undertaking the project will be reviewed by all members of the team to ensure it is suitable. In addition to that there will be regular updates on progress and delays to help steer the team to successful completion. In addition to planning during the design and development stages it has also been not ed that the approach used in implementation is crucial to overall success of a project. This is due to the fact that complete replacement may interfere with existing systems (Fowler 1999). Due to the implications of this suggestion therefore the project will be implemented in phases. This is aimed at reducing the interference caused by the introduction of a new system within the institution. It is assumed that upon completion each user will be able to access the library database using a web browser from any location. References Andrews, J. (2009). A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining your PC. Boston, MA: Course Technology Cengage Learning. Computer Shopper. (2011). No Nonsense Buying Advice Since 1979. Web. Fowler, D. (1999). Virtual Private Networks: making the right connection. San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc. McConnell, S. (1997). Software Project Survival Guide. USA: Microsoft Press. Shelly, G. B., Rosenblatt, H. J. (2011). Systems Analysis and Design. Boston, MA: Course Technology Cengage Learning. Stein, R. T. (2006). The Computer System Risk Management and Validation Life Cycle. Chico, CA: Paton Press LLC. This assessment on Library Information System Improvement was written and submitted by user Edith Martin to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.